It is wonderful to know that we can count on Sam when it comes to feeding our new frogs. "Watch out buzzing flies, Sam will catch you and feed you to the frogs."
Our little tadpoles are not so little anymore, they are now green frogs that like to eat flies and thanks to Sam we don't have to worry about finding them food. When there are lots of bugs around the kindergarten, Sam will get his container, stand very still and then BANG! he's got them. Even when he is at home the flies are not safe. Sam will hunt them high and low, making sure that our frogs don't go hungry. Thanks Sam we know that if there are flies about, you are on the job!
we need sam @ dka, during our H&S meeting yesterday in the absence of your lovely teacher carmen, there were 2 flies annoying us!!!!
Well done Sam yes even the fly's at home are not safe from you or any of us that the fly's accidentally land on. What a great helper you are.
Mum ; )
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